Thursday, 13 December 2012

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Hobbit Hang-ups

So the Hobbit is coming out tomorrow. Peter Jackson's new trilogy, and it's starring Martin Freeman and a whole ton of Hollywood heavyweights, not to mention Benedict Cumberbatch. From the cast list alone I'm expecting a flashier version of BBC's Sherlock; what can I say? I'm setting myself up for disappointment here.

Monday, 10 December 2012

Seeing the Sights

Okay, so yesterday I went to the cinema, on the basis that there are so many good movies out there right now I had to go see at least one of them. I am, for the most part, a fan of British indie film, peeling away from the greedy Hollywood corporations and making movies they want to watch. Edgar Wright is a man who captures this truly British filmmaking spirit well, particularly in his latest offering, Sightseers.

Wednesday, 28 November 2012

Sherlock vs Sherlock: The Great Game

I'm sure this whole topic has been pretty much exhausted by now, but hey. Here goes nothing.

This year we've had two television shows, one from either side of the Atlantic. In the blue corner, representing tradition, story and people who want to write gay slash fiction, we have Sherlock. In the red corner, representing pandering to audience expectations, Hollywood values of making everything bigger and more American, and strict heterosexuality in their fanfiction, it's Elementary. And which is better?

There's only one way to find out.

Wednesday, 21 November 2012

NaNo Diary - Day 20: Back on Track

So hey guys. Looks like I'm still on target for 50k, no thanks to Kingsoft Office which periodically decides it doesn't like what I wrote so hey, it deletes it for me! Thanks in part, however, to the Nexus's gesture typing, which I'm finding pretty useful for the most  part, even if it does have trouble with apostrophes.

Thursday, 15 November 2012

NaNo Diary - Day 15: Crash and burn

Okay, so thanks to my illness dragging on for five whole days I'm now over 10,000 words behind where I want to be. The good news is, I'm still on target for 50,000 so I'm sticking with the NaNo target this year. If I hit that target (somehow, miraculously) within the next five days, I'll go for a sprint and try for 75,000, but I doubt that'll happen since I still occasionally suffer from uncontrollable coughing fits which really do not help progress my writing. -.-

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

NaNo Diary - Day 6: A Disturbance in the NaNo Force

Okay, so first off I'd like to say that NaNo is going fine. I'm on target, I have plenty of time over the week to write, and I've started all three parts of my story. There is, however, some bad news to go with this.

Bad news #1: I'm ill. My brothers had something a coupla days ago and I caught it because I stayed at home all day and had to look after them.

Bad news #2: It's day six, and I've discovered the parasitic procrastination producer that is... the NaNoWriMo forums.

Thursday, 1 November 2012

NaNo Diary: Day 1

Quick post. First off: it's NaNoWriMo, yay! I hope you're all writing loads and trying to finish that novel you always wanted to get published.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

NaNo News

Okay, so a little news. Nothing particularly important, just something important to me. I know this blog gets very little traffic, but I figure I'm going to change that soon enough. Like this.

Sunday, 7 October 2012


It's been more than two months since I posted here. Yay me. -.-

I'm not here to complain about that - I'm not trying to write some shitty Oh-woe-is-me emo blog here. If the title didn't tip you off, I'll spell it out in black and white for you: I'm going to talk about Dredd.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

One Movie I'm Dredding

The title is a pun. Let's get that out of the way first, because I know a lot of you will be thinking "That's not how you spell dreading", but there's a very good reason for spelling it that way.

I have a lot of problems with Dredd.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Amateur Photography

So a few weeks ago we got some chickens. And now that I have my new camera, I have pictures of them. I thought I'd share them here because that's essentially what this blog is for: my forays into everything.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Let's Talk about films

Not long ago I watched Aliens for, like, the millionth time. And it was, as ever, awesome. But I couldn't help feeling that the start dragged on far too long; it was trying to be like Alien, a horror, and it just wasn't. Of course, Bishop was a great character, and Sigourney Weaver was brilliant as ever. There were brilliant moments, and terrible moments, and awesome actions bits. It was a pretty good movie.