Tuesday, 6 November 2012

NaNo Diary - Day 6: A Disturbance in the NaNo Force

Okay, so first off I'd like to say that NaNo is going fine. I'm on target, I have plenty of time over the week to write, and I've started all three parts of my story. There is, however, some bad news to go with this.

Bad news #1: I'm ill. My brothers had something a coupla days ago and I caught it because I stayed at home all day and had to look after them.

Bad news #2: It's day six, and I've discovered the parasitic procrastination producer that is... the NaNoWriMo forums.

That aside, I'm going to talk about my story for NaNoWriMo.

It spans three epochs, from England in the early twentieth century to modern day Afghanistan, to a future England where human numbers the world over have been decimated. The plots centre n one character throughout the ages: an immortal elf woman who goes by the name Lady Eleanor. It tells the story of her rise and fall, through the eyes of three key characters.

In the beginning she was the villain, but the story has changed and now she's a protagonist in at least one part of the story. She has become an incorruptible heroine in the future story, and I'm finding it strange given that she's playing the major villain in the first two parts.

The good thing about this sort of story is that we get to see one character develop over a long period; Lady Eleanor is one of the only characters we see who lasts throughout the entire story, so we can see how she changes over the entire time. Her changes are more pronounced than those of the only other character we see in all three parts, the mysterious Mr Autumn, about whom we shall hear more later.

Right now, however, I need to write some more of the story. I'm only allowed sweets when I reach 15,000 words, and the way I'm feeling that could take a while.


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